Tuesday 22 November 2011

week 2 day 1

Went for my run this morning... early this morning, 5:30 am to be exact. it  was -10c. was a definite change of pace compared to week 1. week 2 starts 1.5 min run 2 minute walk 4 times and 1 min walk 1min  run twice.

 Because i ran around the neighborhood instead of the track, there was hills to deal with too. felt pretty good, was damn cold, messed with my breathing a bit but overall not bad run.

 Followed it up with going skating twice with my daughter too.

Definitly can't wait till my shoes arrive... heel feels way better then my last run, but still i can feel it.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Rest day

Got up and felt great. Foot isnt that sore. And my legs feel good this morning too. Can't wait to start next weeks program!

week 1 day 3

well through the first week of 14... run felt great hads some highs and lows, started off pretty sluggish but eventually worked through it. got a kind of second wind in the last 2 runs. felt awesome afterwords.

 my left heel seems a little tender. will be some glad when my new adidas get here..

Gonna take 2 days to recover before starting week 2.

probably gonna do some cycling during my rest days.

Friday 18 November 2011

Rest day

So a little on the stiff side today, not really sore, just aware that i worked some muscles that i had forgotten about. it not helping that its -5 outside and i got stuck fiddling witha roof rack for my car for an hour in the cold.

Can't wait to my run tomorrow!!!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Week 1 day 2

Woke up and felt amazing. Lasted most of the day. Did second part of the couch to 10k 14 week workout and it felt awesome. 30 minute workout 8 minutes running.

Was so pumped for the workout.

Rest day tomorrow

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Rest day 1 week 1

Went skating with my daughter after work. Wasnt overly strenous. Felt a little tender in spots when i got up but it passed early.

Really looking forward to my Run tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Second jog today

So ended up doing a impromptu jog in the evening. my daughter wanted to go for a ride on her run bike. She is on a great pace on her run bike for me to jog with. it actually felt pretty good. worked on more of a 1 minute run 2 minute walk pace for apox 20 minutes

tomorrow planning to hike and possibly cycle

Notes to self

Some links to remember:

eating and diet for running

running for weight loss

My eating:

Today breakfast went ok. had 3 eggs toast and Bacon. didn't over do it on the bacon either...for once

Lunch was rice and chicken. a smaller portion, 1/2 a chicken breast and about 1/2 cup of rice

Supper is rice and tacos with extra lean ground. but i substituted Corn and onions for 1/4 of the recommended beef.

Pretty happy about my eating today.

Activities today were good to, was off today, so went skating with my daughter in the am then the jog in the afternoon.

My first day

So i decided to follow this plan:

Learn to run

and i just got back from run #1 of week one

And its funny, the first set you think. Pfft this is easy. The second one went really quick too. but the 3rd i was feeling it in my legs a little but i didn't want to stop. However, i know i tend to over do things and pay the piper the next day. So i packed it in.

 I have to say i feel pretty excited about this. I did order a pair of Adidas Response Trail 18s. they should be in soon and will hopefully make my legs happy.

The Beginning

We here it goes... I've just turned 35, have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter and another on the way. At my wifes 4 month check up i did the unthinkable, i stepped on the doctors scale. And lets just say i wasn't woo-hooing to loud after.

 I dont consider myself "over-weight", but lately I'm floating around my heaviest. I used to be a gym nut. throwing around heavy weights, until the weight started to be to much for my body and shoulder injuries started plaguing me and i had to cut back on heavy lifting. So tried to keep the weights down but it would get boring, the weight would creep up and i would re-injure my shoulder again. Eventually i just stopped going to the gym.

 Another passion was and still is cycling, Mountian biking to be exact. I did have some success in endurance racing, but it was never about competition. I just love cycling. but with my daughter being 2, its allot harder to get out. So i'm finding myself looking forward to when she is old enough and we can start riding together.

 Anyway... back to the scale...ugh, tipped in at 230lbs at 5'10", again, ugh! So i decided to start to do something about it. But i don't just want to lose weight, i want to be all around healthier, for me and my family.

 So i had been toying in my mind with Running. I've started a few times and on one motivated occasion i used running to pass a endurance test. Once i passed, i stopped, my motivation was gone. So this time to not lose motivation i decided to blog my experience from the beginning. I had done a similar journal when i started Cycling and it really worked, kept me motivated.

So as my first entry here is a few things i'd like to share:
Weight (Dotors office): 230
How long i can run: Maybe 3-4 minutes
How far i can run: Not very